North Florida Cattle Ranch
20x24 inches
oil on Birch Panel
Wired and ready to hang, unframed
Sides are painted a neutral color.
Purchase HERE
Do you ever wonder about the process of art? How does an artist come up with the interesting paintings he/she produces? Are you curious about his/her life? What it's like to be a professional artist? Would you like to expose your children to a real artist's work, not just old masters paintings in museums?
The easy solution is to arrange a studio visit with an artist you admire. In fact, many artists enjoy studio visits from patrons and those who are simply curious about real artists.
I welcome and encourage friends and patrons to come to my studio as often as possible. It is home for me, really much more than my real home. It's a cozy old building behind my house. I always get excited about visitors. I make a snack and provide a nice, comfortable atmosphere for them with soft music and all the time in the world for a great visit. I consider my patrons to be true friends and I want to hear all about their children, hobbies, and their dreams, just as they want to hear about mine. I always have the newest work available in the studio, and encourage questions about technique and subjects.
A studio visit is really the best way to get to know an artist and to gain insight about the process of their work. It is much more relaxed than an art opening. Most painters prefer a studio visit to a gallery opening because there is no stress.
You are always welcome to come and visit and there is never pressure at all to purchase.
I have a studio party coming up in two weeks. Please come and enjoy the drive. I live North of Gainesville, eight miles from Alachua and 6 miles from Lacrosse. You will find directions from Gainesville on the contact page of my web site. HERE
Linda's Annual Chili Party
February 7, 2009
10 AM - 6 PM
Enjoy a bowl of homemade chili and see my paintings from St Augustine Beach, The Color Fields Series and the Florida Farms and Ranches series.
Don't be afraid to contact and ask for a visit with an artist you admire. They will most likely be delighted and flattered that you wish to meet them. If you don't know how to contact them, the best way would be to do a www.google.com search of their name. If they have a web site, and most professional artists do, you will likely find their email on their web site. That is an easy non-intrusive way to contact them.