Crescent Beach Sunrise
16x20 inches
oil on canvas
silver frame
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Painters Tip
Keep a Tool Kit
Plein air painters will benefit from keeping a cardboard box tool kit with them in the car. A roll of masking tape, duct tape, a 6 inch,12 inch steel ruler, a 12 inch T square, bamboo roll up brush holder with extra brushes,6-8 tube of basic color paints, large spring clamps, sketch book with a few pencils, a small watercolor kit, a small watercolor pad, a small jar of nails/screws, small Philips and straight screw drivers, a tack hammer, a plastic light weight fold up tarp, a small jar of solvent for oil painters, spray bottle for acrylics, bungee cords, lightweight jacket and a pair of socks, sunscreen, hat, 1 gallon jug water, and bug juice.
There are many occasions when you don't expect to be able to paint but the opportunity comes up. You could do some quick sketching or watercolor field studies without setting up you full equipment to paint. There are also unexpected weather conditions and equipment problems when you paint outside. You may need to repair an easel. A dry pair of socks and a jacket could increase your comfort level greatly after an unexpected storm.
I try to keep a box of basic stuff in the trunk of the car all the time. I don't often need it but when I do it's great to be prepared.
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