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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blondheim Art Acrylic Landscape Painting

5x7 inches
acrylic on panel
115.00 includes shipping.

Purchase at :

Painters Tip

Painting Labels

What should you put on your painting before letting it get away?

There are a lot of opinions on this.

I think it is very important to put a label which includes your contact information. I use little printed labels that have my name address and web site.

Some artists like to include their telephone number but I am not a fan of telephones and would much rather communicate through email. I have had the same web site URL for many years, so no matter where I may live or travel, the email is easy to find on my site.

Some artists like to use elaborate labels with bios and archival information. That's fine too.

I prefer to use a separate invoice for paintings I sell, which has an image of the painting, the product information for the support, paints, and varnish. archivalists will have the information should the painting need cleaning or repair at a future time.

I include the price, size and any relevant information regarding historical facts about the scene I have painted.

Some artist use what they call a Certificate of Authenticity instead with a seal and very official looking script. That seems a bit pretentious to me, but whatever it is called, the information is there for the owner of the painting, should they need it.

With my invoice, I include a copy of my current resume, bio and statement along with a business card and brochure in a flat manila envelope. I do this because people are proud of their original art and like to share information about their favorite artist with friends, business associates and family.

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