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Monday, November 13, 2006

Hay Field Montgomery Alabama II

14x18 inches
oil on canvas

Purchase at:

Painters Tip


Take your time while composing your painting. The biggest problem I have, and see in other's work, is rushing into a painting. We are so excited by the possibilities and in being at a lovely place that we forget to slow down and compose our paintings carefully.

I like to take the time when I can, to consider many possibilities before committing myself to a composition. I usually start my block in with one color, using the rule of thirds to grid off my canvas first. I place the major elements in the scene and then use a second color to correct for size or moving an element to correct for placement. After I have carefully arranged the elements of my composition, I then consider what I can use to lead the viewer through the painting and keep him there as long as possible.

Spend a little more time composing and your paintings will improve. I always know when I have blown that part because the painting just isn't right.

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