USA Collectors

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hay Field Montgomery Alabama

14x18 inches
oil on canvas

Purchase at

Painters Tip

More on Studio Open House

Now is the time to spiff up your studio as much as possible. Remove all clutter, easels, unfinished paintings, your student's paintings. Leave nothing in the studio but paintings you wish to sell and the food you have to offer. I cover all my shelves with a sheet, so that no clutter shows.

I clearly mark all sale bins so that people know where the lower priced work is for sale. I bring in rugs from my home to cover the paint spots on the floor. I go around with a brush and paint to touch up the walls so they have a fresh clean look. I use a vacuum and sweep the porch, putting fresh potted plants out for color.

I use a nice vanilla insense stick in the room and play soft jazz or classical music.

I make it as attractive as I possibly can and as much like a gallery as possible.

I wear comfortable unpainted clothes and greet guests as long lost friends so that even strangers will feel welcomed.

This is my home and so I want to welcome all guests with joy.

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