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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Blondheim Art Florida Trail Original Painting

24x24 inches
oil on canvas
Purchase HERE

Painters Tip
Working With Commission Clients

Commissions are a lot more work and hassle than doing paintings to sell in galleries or your studio.

Clients have an image in their minds that you cannot know. It is very important to have excellent communications skills, and to be willing and able to leave your ego at home while working on commissioned paintings. You are the artist and instinctively know what works with paint and what does not, and you have your own unique vision for your work, or, in other words, your "style". This does not always work with their vision. In fact, it seldom does. You are happily painting along on the painting thinking to your self, "this is really going well". You show the stage to the patron and they are not at all happy with the version so far. It's time to put your ego aside and really listen to their thoughts and possible changes.

Remember, this is about them, not you. You cannot possibly understand the emotional connection they have to the painting. This is just another paycheck for you, but for them, it is a visual segment of their life, to be treasured. Take the time to listen and make the changes to please them. They are counting on you and have put their faith and hopes into your skill and discernment. Don't let them down by brushing them off or hurrying through the project.


emily said...

I really like this painting!
I have also found with commissions to get paid half in advance. That way you don't get burned and they tend to like it better knowing they're already committed to it.

Linda Blondheim said...

Hi Emily,
I always require a 25% non-refundable deposit. Yes, I is necessary to firm their committment with a deposit.

Thanks for the kind words about my painting.

Leslie Anne Pease said...

Commissions ARE very stressful! Most times receiving the pay check is the last thing on my mind. Usually the commission is a gift for someone else and that is what I am thinking about.

So it's not the just the accuracy, it's knowing the hefty investment someone has made in me and lastly, relying on me to create the perfect gift!

Aaaarg!!! I stressed through so many holidays I finally stopped accepting commissions! ESPECIALLY if someone insists on baiting me with a full payment, up front.

Linda Blondheim said...

I don't think I would want to do commissions full time. You are right. It is very stressful. I like doing 5 or 6 per year. Enough to make it a challenge but not so many that it becomes nothing but stress.