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Monday, October 29, 2007

Blondheim Art Original Paintings

Shired Island Palms
24x24 inches
oil on canvas
champagne silver frame

Purchase HERE

Art Notes Blog HERE

Cross Marketing

There may be a more official name for it, but sharing marketing with another type of business pays.

I did an experiment with a realtor last Saturday where we combined the house he wanted to show off with my paintings. It was a total success and we already have plans for another effort around the holidays.

He usually has 6-15 people wander through an open house. This time we got a feature write up in the home section of the newspaper with three photos. He ended up with over 75 people coming through, and I sold 6 paintings.

You start to see the possibilities don't you? There are a lot of good marraiges of buinesses that naturally compliment each other for shared marketing.

Art + High End Homes
Floral Art + Garden Centers
Landscape Art + Botanical Gardens
Art + Furniture Stores

Think outside of the box when you think about marketing art. Sit down with paper and pencil and the buiness section of the phone book and try to match your work up with other businesses. Write a nice proposal for them and see what happens.

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