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Friday, December 29, 2006

Blondheim Art Landscape Painting Econfina River

5x7 inches
acrylic on panel
115.00 includes shipping
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Painters Tip


Encaustics have been re-discovered and are all the rage now. I see them everywhere at art festivals. They are in fact, a very old medium abandoned at one time in favor of more modern paints.

Encaustic paint is basically beeswax, pigment and a little bit of resin.
For many years pre-made colors were not available and many artists made their own paint. You can find many different formulas in the reference books. (Some good and some that are dangerous).


Since encaustic involves heating wax, there are a few tools that must be used that you don't use in other types of painting.
You will need an electric frying pan or hot pot.
Palette knives, brushes, sticks or hairbrushes can make interesting paintings.
You will need a tool to reheat and fuse the paint so that it does not delaminate or flake off the panel or canvas.

There are several companies who sell all of the encaustic paints and supplies on the web. Just Google search encaustics to see the history of the medium and to buy supplies. There are several artists I know who have gone to encaustics and the medium lends itself well to abstract or contemporary art rather than traditional realist art.

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