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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Blondheim Art Original Landscape Painting

5x7 inches
acrylic on panel
115.00 includes shipping
Purchase: HERE
Painters Tip
Have Faith
If you are making a living from your art, or trying to, you must be tenacious and have nerves of steel. Your faith in yourself and your work will be tested many times. Even after you have established your career, there will be hard times and times when you don't sell. Things may be going along nicely, feeling like the hard times are over, and bang, the clients dry up over night. One year is feast and the very next year is famine.
You must be willing to be adaptable to the market. If no one is buying large paintings, start doing small paintings. If your clients haven't been coming to the studio lately, throw a studio party and invite them to come. Perhaps you need to create a market for a certain subject or niche. Think about where you may find the clients who will want this subject. Most likely it will not be in a formal gallery. If you are painting florals, go to the plant nurseries or florists and put your promotional materials there.
You must be willing to adapt your marketing style to fit the current market. Few reach the level of being able to pick and choose their clients.
Think about your goals as an artist and adapt to whatever it takes to achieve them.
My goal is very simple. I like to paint and I like working for myself. I have no aspirations to fame as an artist. I like to paint and I want to do that everyday and to have independence. I leave the art snobbishness to others. I will do whatever is necessary to survive, so that I can continue to paint.
Think about what you really want as an artist and plan for that. If your current efforts are not working, find another plan and go for it.

1 comment:

Mary Rogers said...

Good advise, Linda! I just happened to see your tip at a time when I needed it...I thought I was just looking at the palmettos!