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Monday, February 19, 2007

Blondheim Art Original Painting

8x10 inches
oil on panel
Painters Tip

We can Help Each Other

A few months ago I tried an experiment of putting Google ads on my other blog. I never thought anything else about it. Time went by and I heard nothing from Google. Two days ago I received a nice check in the mail and was surprised and delighted. I decided this is a very good thing. I added a small ad to this blog too.

It made me realize that I can help my fellow artists and other bloggers by reading the ads on their blogs too. It only takes a moment or two to read them and knowing I am adding to their income makes me happy. Not to mention that it helps the folks who run the ads as well. Perhaps we all need to be more diligent in reading the ads on our favorite blogs and at our favorite artists sites. The more we help each other the better for all of us.

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