8x10 inches
acrylic on panel
Gold Frame
Purchase HERE
Painters Tip
Studio Visits
I'm very pleased to have a studio visit from a person from Michigan today. She saw my web site and wants to have a personal visit while she is in the area on vacation.
It is always exciting to have people come from far away. She is going to go out of her way to visit my studio and that is an honor.
I always do a little research on visitors if I have any information about them. It's nice to know what they do and what they are interested in seeing before they come. I looked up her web site and read about her. I just Google searched her name.
I spent yesterday spiffing up the studio and putting things in closets, pulling out paintings and arranging them attractively around the studio. I also put out my guest book and a pen and my brochures and business cards.
Last night I made a quick coffee cake and got some juice and soft drinks to put in my mini fridge. I want her to feel comfortable, like a guest in my home. I spend most of my time in my studio when I am not traveling, so it really is my home. It desn't really matter whether she decides to buy a painting or not. What is important is the connection we make. She will have a good or bad impression by the way she is treated. I will do my best to give her a wonderful experience. It is always wonderful to meet a new friend.
Consider studio visits to be a welcome event, not a chore. Take a bit of time to prepare. Relax and enjoy the time with visitors and make them welcome. Do not concern yourself with selling paintings. Sell yourself instead, and spend time enjoying the company. Find out something about your guests and you will discover new friendships.
Coffee Cake -- yummmm! Such the Martha Stewart!
Visiting you must be a treat. I hope when I have a studio I am as hospitible!
Thanks Leslie,
It turned out to be a cheese and ham salad with crackers with grape tomatoes and broccoli. The coffee cake got eaten by my kids by mistake. :>)
I do love having viitors to the studio and taking bit of extra time to make it festive is fun.
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