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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Blondheim Art Original Painting

Ozello Palms
12x16 inches
mixed media
gold or copper frame

Purchase HERE

Painters Tip

Don't throw out that old furniture!!

My entire studio is furnished with old junk furniture. After all, it is all going to have paint splatters on it anyway. If you have an old dresser, chest of drawers and a night stand with a drawer in it, you have just about everything you need to furnish a small studio.

I took the mirror off an old dresser from the 70's and now use it as my framing table. I taped several rows of bubble wrap on the top, a long piece of foam rubber would work equally well. The drawers hold unframed paintings,and all of my tools, tape,glue, and anything related to framing. It is just the right height for comfort to frame and install hardware. I put one of those cabinets in the wall over it that holds screws, nails and so forth in little drawers.

I made a combination taboret/palette stand next to my easel with an old night stand with a drawer. I pulled open the drawer and nailed in the sides, so it is permanently open and holds my paint tubes. I put a marble tile on the top to use as my palette and the space under the drawer holds more paints in boxes.

I took an old but well made chest of drawers and removed the drawers. I cut and placed plywood in it for shelving and it is sturdy shelf unit now for supplies. I used the drawers to put paintings in like a browse bin by cutting a piece of taller board for the back to use as a rest. The drawers eventually wore out, but lasted a long time. I still have the dresser and it is in fine shape.

If you have an old dining table and chairs, that makes a great work table and will hold table top easels. If not, use one of the folding tables that you can purchase at Sams or Cosco.

My studio couch, well loved and broken in, is about 18 years old. It has a paint stained cover on it.

I have had most of this old junk studio furniture for at least 20 years and with the exception of the table, it was all free. I think re-using old things brings a comfort to my working environment. No one seems to mind seeing the old stuff when they come to visit. After all, I'm just a country painter.


Making A Mark said...

Another really nice painting Linda.

I also like to recycle if possible. Maybe we could reduce our carbon footprints while we're at it! ;)

Linda Blondheim said...

Yes, A good thought Katherine.