Homosassa River
6x8 inches
oil on panel
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Painters Tip
About Clouds
This is how I do clouds. I pre-mix my color on the palette for them. Depending on the time of day and weather conditions, they can be grayer or warmer. If you pay attention to the direction of the light from the sun you will have better clouds. There are many possible color combinations too.
First I lay in the shadow colors where ever the clouds will be darkest. I block in the basic sky color around the shapes I wish them to be, leaving the white areas blank on the canvas. I then start mixing some of the shadow colors a bit lighter in value laying them in here and there overlapping some of the darkest areas, so that they have variety in value. The next stage is to lay in the white paint, some lead white ,some titanium. The next stage is to soften up the white edges next to the blue of the sky, so they don't look pasted on. A few adjustments here and there and the clouds look pretty good. I then will add a bit of Naples yellow here and there, or other slightly muted earth color, bringing a bit of the land color up into the clouds, not enough to dirty them up.
I will try to get a step by step demo done of cloud painting and put it on my Art Notes blog soon.
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