12x16 inches
oil on panel
gold frame
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Painters Tip
Battling the Elements When Painting on Location
Location painters have more problems to overcome than studio painters. We must contend with poisonous snakes, insects, and in the southern coastal states, alligators. Then there is the traffic, curious bystanders, rain, cold, fog,smoke,extreme heat and wind. Ideal conditions for painting are rare.
Here are a few ideas to make your painting experience more comfortable.
I like to keep a plastic shower curtain in the car for rain. I can throw it over my easel if a sudden shower comes up. It will save my easel, paints and painting in a pinch. It's a good idea to paint in a place with deep overhangs on roofs,porches or gazebos if weather is threatening.
For wind, keep duct tape, bungee cords, large spring clamps and weights in your car resource box. Weights are easy to make with gallon jugs of water or sand or take a large PVC Pipe and fill it with Quick-crete. Before it sets, put a large eye screw in one end. Lots of art festival artists use these weights for their tents and they are great to hold a French easel or pochade box down in high wind. The bungees and spring clamps can keep your canvas or panel on the box and also keep your palette where it belongs.
For critters, I wear long pants and heavy rubber shoes. Keep an eye on where you are standing and be sure you are constantly checking the area around you if you are in swampy areas with poor visibility. Be sure to use repellent with Deet as an ingredient, and don't use perfumes or aftershave on painting trips.
More on Outdoor Painting tomorrow.......
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