Orange Lake
18x24 inches
oil on canvas
Available at Comfort Inn Gainesville, Florida
Painters Journal
I have had a frustrating week. My web site publishing software was somehow corrupted and so I had to purchase new software at 149.00 yikes!!!! I am waiting for it to arrive. Naturally, since this is a much newer version, I won't have a clue how to use it and will be further frustrated. "I'll think about that tomorrow", as Scarlett would say. In the mean time I continue to pick at the current commission, hoping to finish it up within the next two weeks.
Painters Tip
Motivation to Paint
I had an interesting discussion with a fellow painter recently about the process of painting and what master painters do differently than the rest of us mere mortals do. His feeling was that they step back from the painting if they are unsure of what should happen, until they are settled in their mind first. In other words they are mentally preparing for the painting as an athlete would do before an event; visualizing the finished painting in their mind.
My feeling is that master painters simply have a higher skill level, perhaps through hard work, perhaps through natural ability,and most have hard work and talent combined. Lets face it, some painters are just better than others. No big mystery. I believe that if you put me up against a master painter and we both visualize and step back to plan, the master will leave me in the dust all day long.
This discussion led to why we are motivated to paint. I am motivated by the process of painting far more than the finished result. I have no need to be a super star or the latest and greatest. I believe my motivation is joy. I know that there are ambitious painters who dream of being the next Richard Schmid or Daniel Greene. Fame and fortune motivate them.
It took me years and years to understand what really motivated me to paint. When I was younger, the ambition and ego were a big part of the motivation. As I have matured as an established artist, I am grateful to have outgrown the hubris of youth. I learned that there is a difference in healthy self confidence and phony ego. I don't care nearly as much about the "I'm better than you" nonsense that used to matter to me. In fact some of my best artist friends can leave me in the dust. At one time they could not have been my friend because secret jealosy would have prevented me from befriending them. There will always be better painters than I and always be painters who don't paint as well. Looking back, it seems so silly to care at all about the pecking order.
Have you thought about what your true motivation is to paint? If you can discover it,you will increase your painting time and your joy.
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