10x10 inches
oil on canvas
See My Paintings HERE
Painters Tip
What direction should you go in your painting journey?
A lot of that decision depends on whether you wish to be a professional painter or a hobbyist.
If you wish to paint for the pleasure of it you have a whole world waiting for you, with endless subjects, ideas and mediums. You have no boundaries at all. There is a lot of freedom in painting for the joy of it only. Frankly, I am envious at times.
It seems that most of the artists I meet want to be a professional rather than an ameteur. They may be missing the best part of being an artist. As a hobbyist your exploration of art is limitless. You can paint anything you wish to and change your mediums at will. When you don't like your paintings, you can burn them or gesso over them and start again. You can choose the matting and framing to suit your own taste. You don't have to bother with marketing or difficult clients. You still have the freedom to exhibit in local shows and be involved in local art organizations and museum docent programs.
Many people get the idea that if you are called an amateur that it means your work is inferior to professionals. I know amateurs who can out paint me all day long. Professional means you do art for a living, that you get income for your painting or teaching or writing. It is not about the quality of art, it is about making a living from it.
More on this tomorrow.....
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