Aucilla River
30x40 inches
oil on canvas
See more of my paintings HERE
Painters Tip
Using Directional Cues
In composition, you have many ways to lead the viewer through your painting. One of my favorites is color. I will often use tiny hits of repeated color in places where I want the viewer to go.
Let's say that you have a field with grasses and a few trees. You want one of the trees to dominate the others. Of course you will want to put more texture and refinement of brushwork in that tree, but you can also lead the viewer to it from the land as well.
If you have flowers in the field you can use a hint of their color in that tree trunk. If you have tall grasses, you can add a color to them which will lead up to that tree and on to the trunk, pulling the eye along. It can be very subtle or overt, depending on your style of painting, but in either case, the viewer will be drawn to that tree.
You are using the color as a road map through the painting, placing it here and there along the way.
Absolutely love this painting Linda.
Thank you so much Phyllis.
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